Merchant Cash Advance
Using a Merchant Cash Advance To Improve Your Business
How a Cash Advance Is Different
Just like a traditional loan, a cash advance begins with you receiving the working capital you need to undertake your new project. The real difference comes when it is time to repay the loan. Instead of making pre-set monthly payments, a small percentage of your credit card sales is set aside each month. This provides you with these benefits:
- Minimized chance of accumulating debt
- No closing costs
- No upfront fees
- Simple qualifications
When business is slower, you owe less on your loan. And when business picks up, you can take a big chunk out of your loan all at once. This option is perfect for seasonal businesses or businesses with unpredictable income. No matter what situation you are in, you can count on Legendary Capital Solutions to help you get the loan you need to succeed. Give us a call today to have all your questions answered.